How you can support the DelCom Foundation

At the DelCom Educational Foundation, we can provide a variety of options in which you or your group may assist in supporting our efforts. As a not for profit 501(c)(3)organization your contributions are dedicated to enhance the education of Delaware Community School students.
Honor an Educator
Alumni and the community may participate in our “Honor an Educator” program in which you may contribute to the foundation while recognizing a special teacher, coach, administrator or employee who made a difference in your life.
Bring the family or gather your golfing partners and attend one of our yearly fundraising events.
Please contact us or email any board member directly to assist you.
The DelCom Educational Foundation relies on volunteers to operate. We are always seeking volunteers at one of our annual fundraising events or assistance on one of our organizing or planning committees.[/one_half]
Donate Online
- Private donations
- Corporate contributions are welcomed
- Scholarships
- Memorials
- Trusts,
- Dedicated contributions
- and many other options are available for support.